"All things point to God."

This website is a soapbox for my views, values, interests and experiences. It's a work in progress. Articles are never complete, so visit from time to time to see what's new.

Basic to my beliefs is the conviction that all things come from God, the entire universe as well as God's word preserved in the scriptures. It follows that the created universe is a legitimate source of knowledge about God, even as Paul indicated in Romans 1:20. So called "conflicts" between Science and scripture cannot be real if both the scriptures and the world come from God. Therefore, I believe that conflicts exist only in our minds because we read the universe wrong, we read the scriptures wrong or, more likely, we read both wrong. I wish to credit up front the main influences on my views. They are (1) the Bible, (2) the universe as seen through the disciplined eyes of science and philosophy, and (3) authors such as George Berkeley, George MacDonald and C. S. Lewis. Read my blog for articles I wish to share.

Jim Hendrix
Oxford, Mississippi